lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015


 Initial situation...


Process nice weather, I mean perfect weather! first lines, no masking tape, no stencil cap, no tizador, ONLY FREEHAND!!!! ft Fophkin collabo (wild style HVG).

My car :)


 Tallinn is HOT baby! don't you dare!

street art estonia, Street art, graffiti izak one stiffingerz crew chile mural, izak, izak one, street art Tallinn, Street art estonia

street art estonia, Street art, graffiti izak one stiffingerz crew chile mural, izak, izak one, street art Tallinn, Street art estonia

street art estonia, Street art, graffiti izak one stiffingerz crew chile mural, izak, izak one, street art Tallinn, Street art estonia

street art estonia, Street art, graffiti izak one stiffingerz crew chile mural, izak, izak one, street art Tallinn, Street art estonia
 I have my ühiskaart!!! (algo asi como la targeta BIP en Chile)

street art estonia, Street art, graffiti izak one stiffingerz crew chile mural, izak, izak one, street art Tallinn, Street art estonia
 Final result
"I love Tallinn"
Location: Haabersti Vene Gümnaasium, Õismäe, Tallinn, Estonia 2015.
Dimensions: 18,5 x 3m (my new speed record, only 2.5 dayz)
Thanks to Kevin Pol and Õismäe youth centre to make this possible.

To see in full size please follow the link:

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

It's truly amazing in real life, left me speechless at first. You should do something cool with the other wall beside it as well, it would be legendary! Anyways, keep up the good work, hope to see a lot more of your masterpieces!